March 7, 2012

string quilt blocks

I'm sure you're all familiar with Pinterest.  I am addicted to Pinterest.  I could scroll through the pages forever just looking at all the beautiful photos and repinning more projects than I could ever possibly complete.  I love looking at my Pinterest and seeing beautifully-organized photo collages.  (My quilting board is my favorite.)  I have 28 boards and 337 pins and other than some recipes, I don't think I've made one thing I've pinned.  Until yesterday.  Yesterday I made 4 paper-pieced string quilt blocks using this tutorial from Film in the Fridge.  Here are my beautiful, scrappy 8.5 inch blocks:

(I really need to learn how to take better photos.)

This was my first time paper piecing and I enjoyed it.  Now only 26 more blocks to go before I have enough to make a baby quilt.  I really shouldn't be starting another project but I figure I'm using up my scraps and I can make a block or two at a time.  Hopefully I have enough scraps.  If there's anybody out there that has scraps you want to get rid of, let me know!


  1. Nice job! I'm also learning how to quilt and have been doing a bunch of block of the month's to learn from. One in particular that is free that you might be interested in is She's been teaching 2 blocks a month since January. Very fun and you might enjoy it since your learning. Great job!

  2. Steph, your quilt blocks are absolutely lovely! I love the colors and patterns and the the way you put them all together.

  3. Steph, so glad you're doing this! Aren't they addictive??!!

  4. I'm dropping by as The CSI Project guest judge this week. Your quilt squares are beautiful. I don't know anything about quilting but I can tell they are going to make a gorgeous quilt. Nice job.

  5. I love String quilts but have only used a fabric backing not paper. Great fun to make, satisfying to use some scraps and super quilts at the finish. Have fun! You might get hooked, like me!

  6. I love String quilts but have only used a fabric backing not paper. Great fun to make, satisfying to use some scraps and super quilts at the finish. Have fun! You might get hooked, like me!

  7. Nice to meet you, I am from Omaha. I am working on a string quilt by Bonnie Hunter Orca Bay. Put first I have to finish my church quilts and then my granddaughter. I love your blog.

  8. Great blocks. Have you heard of Mary with the Heartstrings quilt blog. She does some amazing quilts using the string blocks.
