December 28, 2016


Wow. To say the least, I am blown away by the response to this crazy #organizedsewingspace2017 idea I floated out there on Instagram. Apparently I am not the only one in need of some organizing motivation! We are just a few days away from the new year, so here is the low down on how this is (hopefully) going to work.

  • This is going to run from January through June with two challenges/tasks per month and an approximate two-week window per task. (Our own "12 step program" if you will.) 
  • The challenge will be taking place over on Instagram (@stephkucera), but I will also be posting here on my blog to show you my embarrassing "before" photos and how I fixed it. #organizedsewingspace2017 will be the overall challenge hashtag.
  • Each step will have a "before" hashtag and an "after" hashtag. The specific hashtags will be revealed as each step is presented.
  • Each step will have a prize. Each participant that posts one "after" post on Instagram by that step's deadline will get one entry into the drawing for that step's prize.
  • Each qualifying "after" post will also get you entered into the grand prize drawing at the conclusion of the challenge.
Confused yet? I think it will start to make more sense as the steps are revealed.

Schedule: (I'll be updating this list as each specific step is revealed.)
Getting Ready/Pep Talk
Step 1: January 1 - January 15, 2017: *clean your sewing table!*
Step 2: January 16 - January 31, 2017: *clear your cutting table and ironing board!*
Step 3: February 1 - February 14, 2017
Step 4: February 15 - February 28, 2017
Step 5: March 1 - March 15, 2017
Step 6: March 16 - March 31, 2017
Step 7: April 1 - April 15, 2017
Step 8: April 16 - April 30, 2017
Step 9: May 1 - May 15, 2017
Step 10: May 16 - May 31, 2017
Step 11: June 1 - June 15, 2017
Step 12: June 16 - June 30, 2017

To be eligible for a prize, the deadline for posting on Instagram with the appropriate hashtag is by the end date in your timezone.

  • My only rule is that everybody needs to be nice to one another! There is enough nastiness in our real lives, on Facebook, etc. The purpose of this is to encourage each other while we create happy, organized sewing spaces for ourselves.
  • There is no official sign-up. I will not be stalking you for missed deadlines or late posts. You can jump in at any time. You can do the steps you want when you want. (Though you will only be eligible for prizes if you post by the deadline.) If you get the cleaning and organizing bug and get your space done in the first week, that is awesome. If you're already super organized, you're way ahead of the game...and we need you to help the rest of us!
  • It's not required, but please comment on other participants' posts, cheer them on, and share your organizing tips and tricks. 
I'm sure there will be lots and lots of questions. Please feel free to ask here in a comment or over on Instagram (@stephkucera). If you post a questions on IG, please tag me so I'm sure to see it. There will most likely be a "frequently asked questions" (FAQ) post coming soon!


  1. Do we have to post the before pictures on IG? I wouldn't mind posting them here, but don't really want some people on IG to see my mess! LOL

  2. I'm so in! I need this, big time. Thanks for the easy participation rules too! See you tomorrow on IG!

  3. I'm in! Thanks for the push and inspiration!

  4. Such a great idea! I am very tempted to join!
