May 6, 2012

simple things Sunday

One of the blogs I follow (simple as that) hosts a weekly link party to celebrate simple moments that bring us joy each week.  I'm not a great photographer so I rarely have great photos to share.  I've also become increasingly lazy about taking photos.  (It's amazing how many pictures I have of my son's baby and toddler years.  He's 5 years old now and I swear there are months I take no pictures of him!) Yesterday he was outside coloring with sidewalk chalk and I snapped this:
I love having a beautiful sidewalk to look at thanks to my artistic little boy. When I'm not wanting to go to work, opening the garage door to see a pretty driveway always brightens my day!


  1. An artist in the making!

    In NYC, they had artists who would replicate masterpieces on the sidewalk with chalks. They were magnificent, but alas -- only to be washed away by sudden summer rains, or by the pedestrian traffic.


  2. You don't have to be a great photographer just have super cute kids and he sure is. Love the sidewalk.

  3. What wonderful sidewalk art! My son would not have the patience to create that!

  4. such a great photo Steph! thanks for linking up with the simple things. :)
