August 1, 2010

morsbags giveaway for Crap I've Made

To help Char at Crap I've Made celebrate her 1,000,000 hit I'll be giving away two morsbags to one lucky winner. The giveaways start Monday, August 1 on her blog so be sure to check it out.

This week's theme at the CSI project is fabric. I love fabric. Right now I love using thrifted sheets as a source of fabric. It's amazing that you can spend as little as 99 cents and get enough fabric to make 8 morsbags. The two bags I'm giving away are the last two made from this cute sheet. (I'm proud of myself for giving away 7 bags/kits and only keeping one for myself since I am also a fabric hoarder!) Currently, morsbags are my favorite sewing project because it's quick, easy, and you end up with something useful. You can make your own morsbag by following the instructions on the morsbags site. If you're interested in receiving a free morsbags kit, check out this post. Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. How cool! I love how you can make something out of something else!
