
2021 Modern HST BOM

This is the place to find ALL the info for the 2021 Modern HST BOM! Bookmark this page so you have easy access to each monthly quilt block when it is released. 

Direct Links:

Choosing your quilt block size!

Number of block units needed.

January Block

January Bonus Block

February Block

March Block

April Block

April Bonus Block

May Block

June Block

July Block

July Bonus Block

August Block

September Block

October Block

October Bonus Block

November Block

December Block

Possible Layouts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How do I join? Where do I sign up?

There are no official sign ups. To join in the fun, just make each month's quilt block. If you're on social media, please share the blocks you make! If you post on Instagram, you can tag me (@stephjacobson) and my coshosts Zina (@zanymouse) and Miriam (@quiltafricafabrics) so we can see what you make. You can also post pictures of your blocks on my quilting Facebook page.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge. Each month's quilt block pattern will be posted (for FREE!) on the first of each month. Your only cost will be in the materials (fabric, batting, etc) needed to make the quilt.

How much fabric do I need?

There is no definitive answer to this because the amount of fabric needed will depend on what size quilt blocks you decide to make. Once again in 2021, we'll have 12 monthly quilt blocks and 4 bonus blocks released randomly throughout the year. Stay tuned for a post with some guidance for figuring out how much fabric you will need.

Do I have to use African print fabrics?

Nope! You are welcome to make your quilt blocks using any fabrics you like! I know Miriam would love to see your creations in her beautiful African fabrics. You can see everything she has to offer in her online shop, Quilt Africa Fabrics.

Where can I find the block each month?

Blocks will be posted on the first day of each month. You can find them:


  1. I just started making quilts a couple of months ago (did my first in March and April), after getting my sewing machine, which I bought because I wanted to make some masks, but had always been fascinated with how the blocks are constructed. However, after purchasing a few quilt books, found that most of the designs looked too old-fashioned for my tastes. I stumbled upon your website searching for some modern quilt blocks and your block of the month really appealed to me, they did not look like something that would be found on a great-grandmothers bed, or in a country county fair, which is what most of the traditional quilts looked like to me. So I did what any rational person would do: I printed off the blocks for 2019, 2020 and all that you've posted for 2021, and bought a bunch of fabric (ok, I only bought for the first two years, since I'm still new, those looked easier to start with, 2021 has the smaller HST blocks that were a little intimidating to me since I hadn't worked with HST yet). My plan is to get caught up with the previous two years to the month. I've finished 2019 January to May, and will complete 2020 January to May and bonus #1 this weekend. I will then head to the fabric store and decide what color scheme I want for the 2021 quilt, I'm thinking of using Pantone's colors of the year (ultimate gray and Illumination, which is a yellow) along with one or two other colors. Then once I get "caught up" just work on the month's blocks for each year

    I just wanted to thank you for creating these blocks and hope you continue this next year. This will give me something I can work on all throughout the year, and have something to help improve my skills in quilt making.

    1. Hi Wayne!

      I think this is the nicest, most encouraging comment I have ever received. I am so glad you are joining in the fun, and I can't wait to see your 2019, 2020 & 2021 quilts. When I started the first HST BOM back in 2019, my focus was to make a laid-back yet fun BOM that was enjoyable for quiters of all skill levels. I definately plan on hosting another BOM in 2022!
