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It's April 7 which means the release of the fifth block for the Modern HST BOM 2022 is a week late. My son made his high school's freshman baseball team, so most of my free time has been spent at the ballfield!
So...the May block (designed by Zina) doesn't have ANY HST blocks! This one is all squares and half rectangle triangles.
All of the blocks for the 2022 HST BOM will be 16 patches. (There aren't any bonus blocks this year, but I will be releasing some of the blocks we didn't choose for the BOM throughout the year. They're just too good not to use and will make some awesome quilts!) You can use any size block unit you like, and the half rectangle triangles will be a 1:2 ratio. I am using the AccuQuilt GO! Half Rectangle Triangle Die (3" x 6" Finished). My 16 patch blocks will be a whopping 24" x 24", and my completed quilt top will measure 72" x 96"! My squares and half square triangles will be 6-1/2" (6" finished), and my rectangles and half rectangle triangles will be 3-1/2" x 6-1/2" (3" x 6" finished).
Zina will be using the Deb Tucker Studio 180 Split Rect Ruler which is available from many online shops including Fat Quarter Shop. With this ruler, you can make multiple sizes of half retangle triangles in the 1:2 ratio needed for the BOM. Zina is also making 6" finished block units (24" finished monthly quilt block). We like big blocks!
The great thing is you don't need a fancy die cutter or ruler to make half rectangle triangles. When doing some research online, I stumbled across this AMAZING 2019 blog post series from Swim. Bike. Quilt. Everything you need about making half rectangle triangles can be found in these posts. If you're a member of the Modern Quilt Guild, check out this Modern Fundamentals article by Sarah's all about HRTs.
I'm sure there will be some questions, so please feel free to ask in the comments. If you're on Facebook, you can check out my posts and join the discussions on my Facebook page. I'm most active on Instagram, and you can follow my posts @stephjacobsondesigns along with my cohostess Zina @zanymouse. The official hashtag for this year's HST BOM is #modernHSTBOM2022, so be sure to tag your posts so we can find your beautiful work! If you're apprehensive about joining in, check out the hashtag for last year's HST BOM (#modernhstbom2021) to see all the amazing things that were--and still are being--created.
Happy sewing!
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