September 19, 2020

2020 HST BOM {Bonus Block #3!}

 Earlier this month, Zina and I released Bonus Block #3 for the 2020 Modern HST BOM. I apologize for posting is so late here on the blog...too many social media platforms to keep up with! Here is the third Bonus Block:

The bonus blocks are an optional part of the BOM. If 12 blocks just isn't enough, you can make the 4 additional bonus blocks we'll be sharing throughout the year. I'm going to sew the 4 bonus blocks together to make an additional fourth row for my quilt. (It's a great, easy way to end up with a rectangular quilt instead of the planned square quilt.)

If you're on Instagram, please share pics of your blocks and use the hashtag #moremodernhstbom and #modernhstbom2020. Please tag Zina (@zanymouse) and me (@stephjacobsondesigns) in your BOM posts so we can find your beautiful creations. You can also post a pic of your block on my Facebook page, Steph Jacobson Designs.  You can find links to all the quilt blocks on the "2020 Modern HST BOM" page here on my blog.

Happy sewing!

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