August 1, 2020

2020 More Modern HST BOM {August Block!}

How is it already August? My son's much-delayed baseball season is over which means more quilting time for me. Fingers crossed school starts in a few weeks as scheduled. (My home-bound only child needs some social interaction!) The arrival of August also means it's time for block 8 of the 2020 More Modern HST BOM!

My co-hostess, Zina, has been making some gorgeous blocks, and her August quilt block is no exception!

If you're on Instagram, please share pics of your blocks and use the  hashtag #moremodernhstbom and #modernhstbom2020. Please tag Zina (@zanymouse) and me (@stephjacobsondesigns) in your BOM posts so we can find your beautiful creations. You can also post a pic of your block on my Facebook page, Steph Jacobson Designs.  You can find links to all the quilt blocks on the "2020 Modern HST BOM" page here on my blog.

Happy sewing!


  1. I cut all of my fabric January to make this quilt trying to play catch up on this rainy day I made the 1st bonus block and now realize that I do not have enough fabric cut to make all 12 blocks how many other bonus Box will there be and what pieces do I need if I tried to make all of them hope this makes sense

    1. There are four bonus blocks total. The original yardage estimates did not include the bonus blocks, since we decided to add them later due to the pandemic. If you don't have enough fabric because you have already made a bonus block or two, I suggest you simply substitute a bonus block for a regular month block. Your quilt will still look beautiful. Or, you can simply add more fabrics for a scrappy look. I hope this helps!

