January 21, 2014

my return to blogging

I have been horrible about blogging lately. . .like for the past 6 months. And I miss it. I miss reading your kind and encouraging comments. I miss making new bloggy friends and discovering your amazing & inspiring blogs. And as 2013 came and went in a flash, I am trying to look back and remember what happened and what I accomplished amidst the day-to-day frenzy. I know I did stuff but since I didn't blog about it, I don't have a record of it. So starting Sunday I'm going to attempt to blog a review of what happened in my life that week. . .not just crafty stuff, but family stuff, the Pinterest recipes I actually tried, my progress on training for the Lincoln Half-Marathon in May, books I've read, etc. I need proof that I'm doing more than just getting through each day and if I can't find anything to share for the week I obviously wasn't engaged enough (and probably spent way too much time on the computer or in front of the TV). I need to be reminded how lucky I am. . .because I know I am but I can so easily forget.

I know it's Tuesday but why not start now? I can't believe 2014 is well underway and we're almost to the end of January. My son turned 7 and I still can't believe how quickly he's growing up. My husband and I both ended up getting his birthday off work so we celebrated with a bowling outing.

Things started off pretty well. . .
Pouting because he's losing.
More pouting.
Pretending to have fun.
Pretty good form!
The thrill of victory!
And the agony of defeat.
More defeat.

 Good times!

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