January 16, 2013

wip Wednesday {1/16/13}

I don't have a lot of sewing/quilting progress to report this week. I did get some more of my Madrona Road quilt top done. I'm going to get this quilt done by January 31 so I can add it to the finished projects flickr group. Violet Craft will be choosing her favorite project and Michael Miller Fabrics will also choose projects to display in their booth at QuiltCon. (There is more info on these challenge updates here at The Modern Quilt Guild.) My blocks are coming together nicely and I am so, so happy that my points are lining up!

Today I bought the perfect blue fabric (Kona Candy Blue) for the border and backing.

I wasn't going to buy any additional Madrona Road (I was challenging myself to only use the fat eighths we were given along with some solids) but I think the black text fabric would be perfect for the binding.

I could use some quilting suggestions since that's always where I get stuck. Right now I think I may quilt some slightly wavy lines in the white areas. I've also considered pebble quilting the white areas. Your thoughts?

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Oh my gosh! That is gorgeous! Can't wait to see how it looks surrounded by blue. :)

  2. This is gorgeous. Love the color combinations.

  3. I like the idea of pebble quilting.

    Is your center square going to be offset like it is in these pictures? Last Spring I saw several quilts offset like this that quilted concentric circles starting in the center square and working their way out. I have a thing for spirals and circular motifs, so they were appealing to me. I know you have an issue with white thread over colored fabric though, so picking just the right thread color could
    be a challenge.

    If you really want to emphasis the diamonds, I do think you should stitch in the ditch to give them some dimension. You could do pebbles in the white and another style of quilting in the prints to give the two areas some textural differences.

    I'm excited to see what you come up with! :)

  4. It's a beautiful WIP. I think we were on a similar wavelength this week. Love the idea of the text fabric for your binding.

  5. I love this quilt! Nice work! I need to get working on my madrona road challenge... I haven't settled on an idea just yet. :)

  6. Very nice!!! Good use of the Fabric.

  7. The text fabric would be great for binding. Lovely placement of fabrics and colours!
